Cochrane hill

Cochrane, Alberta

Type of Site: Flatland Ridge Site (HG/PG)

Total Height: 110m


This ridge site is only a short drive from Calgary City limits, and offers excellent soaring opportunities for pilots in the region. Cochrane Hill is owned and maintained by Muller Windsports, and is also used as their primary training hill. Enjoy the scenery from the sky, but be wary of “the dragon” on days when chinooks roll down from the mountains.

Access: From Highway 1A, turn west on to Big Hill Road and drive approximately 1.75km. Turn left when you see the sign. No kiting or flying is permitted until new pilots have received a site orientation, and have signed the appropriate yearly waiver. A valid HPAC membership is also required to fly.



Launch: The site is a ridge, and launching is pretty straightforward. Pilots will tends to launch on the west side of the ridge as the winds favour more towards the southwest, and on the east side of the ridge as the winds favour more towards the southeast. Be aware of your ridge right-of-way rules before launching into any level or air traffic. Set up closer to the edge when winds are high to avoid rotor.


Landing: Top landing at the ridge is ideal. If you cannot top land, there is plenty of available space at the bottom. Take care to land inside the property, and not in one of the neighbor’s lands. A barbed wire fence will be the least of your worries. Shown here is the “lemming line” of student pilots, a due that needs to be paid by all new students at Muller Windsports.

Airspace: The site itself is designated Class F airspace, and is directly east of the Springbank Control Zone. Issuance of a NOTAM is required prior to flight. The ceiling of the class F airspace is at 6,500ft ASL. Anything above that and you’re in the YYC Terminal Control Area.

XC Options: Don’t even think about it. Cross Country flying is not permitted from the site. This is house rules, but also you are surrounded by prohibited airspace. You don't need to fly far to have a good time. Just cruise the ridge and then land at the top for a drink.

Site Amenities: This is the Muller Windsports Flight School. The local shop has a bathroom, picnic table, and even a mini-fridge filled with all sorts of goodies. Buy yourself some Muller Windsports swag while you’re there, or even a paraglider. Support local businesses!


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  • 1(403)932-6760