Mesa Butte (Square Butte)

Kananaskis Country

Type of Site: Hike & Fly Foothills Site (PG)

Total Height: 96m

A “hidden gem” in the Alberta free-flight scene. Mesa Butte (Square Butte) is a rounded grassy peak in the foothills that offers soaring and thermals on Southeast days when flying is denied at other nearby sites.

This site is ideal for southeast soaring, or early season thermals. The site is suitable for pilots of all levels, but a rating of P3 or above is advised when the spring thermals are active. If you manage to get high here, enjoy the view stretching from B.C to Calgary.

Access: Drive west past Milarville Park your car at the wellsite entrance approximately 1.1km past the Mesa Butte Equestrian Campground. Do not block the gate. Hike along the Mesa Grind Trail 1.8km (229m elevation) until you reach the top.


Launch: This is primarily a Southeast facing launch. South and East launches are also possible, conditions permitting.

The launch from the top is a grassy slope, but is deceptively steep. The steep transition makes the launch susceptible to rotor, position your launch as close to the edge you can safely manage. Rotor can also wrap around from nearby trees east facing days.

Landing: Mesa Butte is ideal for top-landing, and side-hill landing. Be wary of your ground speed, the wind direction, and any other hazards that could put you in danger prior to attempting a top-hill landing, or side-hill landing. If top-landing is not possible, there is plenty of grassy space at the bottom of the slope. Pilots should be aware that this grass is unkept and will grow especially long during the peak of the season. Those who land at the bottom may use the Mesa Traverse Trail to hike back to the top (open street link below):


On good days, pilots have been known to land back at their cars. If you are going to attempt this make sure you have plenty of height, and take note of any hazards on your way in. This includes tripping hazards in the cut-block, and overhead powerlines.

Airspace: The takeoff and landing areas have no airspace restrictions. Slightly above launch, pilots will encounter the Calgary CAE (Class E) at 5,800ft. HAGAR is required for flying in class E. Further up, pilots will encounter the YYC Aerodrome (Class C) from 8,000ft to 12,500ft. Do not breach the 8,000ft ceiling under any condition.

XC Options: XC at Mesa Butte is heavily limited by overflying airspace. Pilots flying west will find themselves with fewer airspace restrictions, but also fewer landing options, and eventually the Provincial Park. Pilots flying in other directions will need to exercise caution in not breaking the 8,000ft barrier. At this site, it’s usually easiest to just stay local.

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